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If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You - They Aren’t Big Enough!

Jennifer Faught told us this while I was in the Creative’s Academy online course last year and her words have stuck with me.  Now, my dreams scare me and it’s opened up a whole new world.  Whatever your dream is I want you to double it, quadruple it, even 10x it!  Be scared!  You are the only one that puts limits on your dreams. Why are you doing that? Stop it right now. 

I used to do it too. I was a teacher for 10 years and I used to say, “If only I can come close to making my teacher’s salary as a designer, then I’m good.”  Why did I limit myself?  

Ok so now comes the big scary part. I’m going to share my BIG dreams with you!  I’m not going to lie to you, this is totally intimidating for me and makes me vulnerable to criticism, but I’m strong and I think this is important to share.  

Not only will it keep me on track, but it will also help you to DREAM BIGGER!!

I have three BIG dreams:

  1. 5 Year Dream: To build a multi­-million dollar company to not only improve the lives of my family, but the lives of my future employees’ families and families around the world through my charitable efforts.  
  2. 10 Year Dream: To build a school in an area of need through an educational foundation that I will run through my business. Yes, I want to build an entire school. Not only do I want to build this school, but I want to be able to maintain its yearly expenses through my foundation so that the children can go there for free, eat for free, and have all of their supplies taken care of.  I want them to feel that school is a safe place where they don’t have to worry about their basic needs being met. 
  3. 15 Year Dream: I want to travel the world with my family. I want my children (who by this time will probably be adults, but that’s OK)  to understand how big the world is and realize how lucky we are to live in such a wondrous place.  

My dreams just 1.5 years ago (which I crushed, by the way!):

  1. Quit my day job
  2. Pay off Debt
  3. Buy a bigger house

Notice the difference? My dreams 1.5 years ago were HUGE to me at the time, yet now they don’t seem that big. I know what you are thinking, “Uh, Kelly, it’s my dream to buy a bigger house and it feels like a REALLY big dream because right now it’s so far away.”  I understand that, believe me.  At one point in my life my husband was unemployed, we were feeding 3 kids on a teacher’s salary, and to top it off, we were thousands of dollars in debt. I NEVER even dreamed I would be here.

My point is that what if I dreamed bigger back then??  Would I be closer to my BIG SCARY AWESOME DREAMS?  I’ll never know, but I share this with you so that you can START NOW!! SET BIG GOALS! If you want, email them to me and I’ll push you to think bigger! 

Creative’s Academy taught me to dream bigger and set bigger goals.  However, the difference between Creative’s Academy and other business classes I’ve taken is that I came away with a why and a plan for my business. The plan I formed during CA has pushed me to DOUBLE my teaching salary with the potential for so much more!

Creative’s Academy is the online version of Stationery Academy hosted by Jennifer Faught.  I had always wanted to go to Stationery Academy, a conference for creative entrepreneurs, but with 3 kids and just having just quit my day job it seemed unreachable.  I knew how much it would help my biz, but I also knew myself and if I went to a three day conference, I wouldn’t implement everything when I got back because it would seem overwhelming. I needed to take it a little slower and implement as I went along.  Creative’s Academy was perfect for me! Creative’s Academy is an 7 week business course delivered in an online format with webinars, live weekly Q&As with Jennifer, and a private FB group to hash out the CA modules:  your core, client, brand, money, call, and plan.  You get everything fabulous about Stationery Academy in the comfort of your own home. Going through the 7 modules of CA really helped me focus on my business and give it the intentional direction it needed to thrive ­ I found my why and my voice.  I finally had a plan.

For this upcoming Creative’s Academy session I am an affiliate partner and could not be more excited to share it with you!  

You can check it out here with a FREE webinar!  

You will love what Creative’s Academy is all about and if you use my affiliate code HELLOWORLD, you will get $450 off your registration and BONUS you will get a 1 hour strategy session with me!! We can chat before, during, or after CA to make sure you get the most out of your experience.  As an alumni and an affiliate, I will be in the FB group too, cheering you on and answering questions!  

Register for Creative's Academy Today!

Don’t forget to use the code HELLOWORLD for $450 off your registration.   

Since Creative's Academy, my revenue has increased from 12K to 20K a month, I'm setting bigger goals, and I have made connections with other like minded creatives across the world!  If this sounds like something you would be interested in and have questions, please let me know!  I would be happy to answer them.

On the other hand if you are thinking, “Um Kelly, that’s amazing ­ sign me up!” Then head to this link and use code: HELLOWORLD for $450 off your registration and BONUS you will get TWO 30 minute strategy sessions with me!! One before Creative’s Academy to offer advice on how to get the most out of your experience and one after the 7 weeks are up to follow up with you and help you get a jumpstart on your plan. As an alumni and an affiliate, I will be in the Facebook Group with you, cheering you on and answering questions!


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