
From the first time I visited Brooklyn, New York when I was 18 I had always wanted to live there. This collection is a small glimpse into a life I always thought I wanted, but never got to live. The Brooklyn collection was inspired by the city itself and the people who live there. The quiet people in tiny apartments with big dreams and lots of plants! People who leave their windows open so the breeze comes in and they can watch what’s going on down on the street below. This collection is a nod to a simple life in a big city full of loud neighbors, fire escape picnics, and rooftop gardens. I wanted this life, but now I realize that life has a funny way of turning out exactly how it’s supposed to. I kill plants for one, crowds make me nervous, and I’m scared of heights so having a 8th floor apartment is out of the question. Eighteen year old me had no fear though, so this collection is for her.