Creating a Home Office That Works For You

With more people working from home than ever, it’s important to create the best workspace possible. It has to be functional, but also comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. 

Here’s a couple of tips – from someone who works from home all the time – on how to create your own perfect office. 

Creating a Home Office That Works For You | The Homebody Society

Have a Dedicated Workspace

Not everyone has the space for an office. Hopefully you can have a desk all to yourself. But if you do end up on the kitchen table, it’s important to still have a space that is yours

Side note:  Please, don’t work on the couch. Or in bed. Don’t do that to your spine.

You need to plant your flag on a patch of counter space and keep it a work-only zone. Set yourself up in an area with minimal outside distractions, preferably with a door. 

Clear Away the Junk

I bet your desk has a lot of random stuff on and around it. It’s so easy to throw things down on the nearest bench and leave it there. But you can’t do that to your work place! That clutter will slow you down and even affect your mindset. 

Channel your inner Marie Kondo and clean everything off your desk! The only things there should be used for your work, or your morale. If it’s not helping you do your job, or not making you happy, get rid of it.

Make it Pretty

This is so important! It’s up to you to make sure your workspace will inspire you with positivity. Make it a happy place. 

You don’t need to do much. Some people just have a pretty notepad and pen. Personally, I love pictures of mountains or outdoor landscapes, but do what works for you. Whatever you’re passionate about. Put up pictures of family, or Harry Potter knick-knacks, or the Master Sword from Legend of Zelda. Whatever you decide, just make sure it makes you happy.

Consider your Ergonomics 

Your office set-up should be healthy, not just comfortable! If you’re going to be sitting at your desk for 40+ hours a week, you must make sure it won’t injure you. Because working on the couch sounds pretty cool, but your neck and back won’t thank you for it! 

Remember the rules:

  • Back straight. 

  • Legs, hips, and elbows at 80-90 degrees. 

  • Top of the monitor in line with your eyes. 

  • Consider getting a cushion for your wrists as they sit before the keyboard and mouse. 

  • Make sure the room is well lit! You’ll want proper lighting so your eyes aren’t overworked. You may have to get a lamp or swap out your lightbulbs to increase lighting. 

  • Also, fresh air will make a world of difference. Crack a window open or get a fan so the air doesn’t get stale.


Working from home can be stressful. You’re bringing your JOB into the place where you LIVE. It can create anxiety among your family if you’re not careful. 

The best thing you can do is create boundaries. Have set work hours. Agree to try and have minimal distractions during those times. At the end of your work hours, close the door on your workspace (or just shut your laptop). Don’t keep working once you’ve done your planned hours, even if there’s still work left over. 

One of the best things about working from home is that you get time back. Especially now that you don’t have to commute, or spend 20 minutes chatting to Kathy from Accounting every time you make a coffee. Use that time to be with your family or focus on yourself. 

Bonus Point: Work is not housework

It’s tempting to fall into the trap of trying to do all the housework while working from home. Yes, it can be great to pop a load of washing on in between tasks. But if you place the expectation on yourself to get all your chores done during your work time, you probably won’t have time to do a good job at either one. 

So give yourself some grace. You’re allowed to focus on work even when there’s a stack of dishes in the sink.

If you’ve never worked from home before, it might be a bit challenging at first. But you can do this. Get yourself set up, make your work area a happy one, and tweak your routine as you discover what works best for you and your family. Good luck!



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